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Blood transfusions

Many are the situations in veterinary medicine when it becomes necessary to perform blood transfusions. Its therapeutical benefits and advances in this area in small animal are obvious and it has led to a considerable increase in the demand of whole blood and its components. As such, Hospital Veterinário do Restelo accounts for an animal blood bank, with the objective of maintaining a reserve of blood derived products, treated and stored adequately, to be used as therapy for its patients as well as supplying other veterinary centres, through a previous order.
The most frequent indications for transfusions include anaemia, hypoproteinemia and haemostasis problems (platelets and coagulation factors). Usually these are necessary in emergency cases, in which rapid intervention by the veterinarian will make a difference. Transfusion therapy, at the right moment, will allow the stabilization of a critical patient, when time for establishing a correct diagnosis and outline treatment is necessary. Since transfusions are not risk free the hospitalization team at the Hospital Veterinário do Restelo will be charged of its correct administration under surveillance, making this service 24hr/day available