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Dialytic therapies

Kidneys have a fundamental role in the clearance of toxins such as Blood Urea Nitrogen and creatinine. When loss of renal function occurs, these metabolites accumulate, leading to nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting and frequently gastrointestinal ulceration.
Hospital Veterinário do Restelo provides the most advanced support techniques for patients with kidney insufficiency, with a specialized medical and nursing team, working as a reference in this area of expertise.
This technique allows for a rapid removal of toxins where a few sessions are necessary until stabilization of the patient occurs.
Diseases like Leishmaniosis, Tick fever, pyelonephritis, Leptospirosis or some toxicities (such as Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory use) can lead to acute renal failure.
This is a method that requires a central venous catheter placement and daily treatments, in an initial phase, and as we reach the control intended sessions may be made 2-3 times a week.
Through extracorporeal circulation, the patients’ blood flows in a closed circuit through a filter which allows for an exchange of harmful substances, as well as the removal of excess fluids, potassium, and some toxins when conventional therapies fail, we should consider haemodialysis.
Peritoneal dialysis
This technique uses the peritoneum (a highly vascularised membrane that surrounds the organs of the peritoneal cavity) to perform exchanges. This requires the placement of a drain under profound sedation to allow rapid infusion of dialysis fluids, previously selected as well as its drainage.
This way we are able to eliminate toxic metabolites such as Urea and creatinine, which accumulate in the blood before a renal insufficiency.
This method is widely used in our hospital in cats with acute renal insufficiency. Its most common indications include urinary tract infections (eg. Pyelonephritis), toxicities and uretheral, obstruction, the later in order to stabilize the patient for surgery to be performed.